A couple wearing VR headsets sitting on yoga mats. The man is sitting on his knees, and the woman is sitting cross-legged.

In the past, paper was king in the events industry, and “technology” was just a means to make paper easier to use. Today, there is a vast array of technological tools available for event planning, ranging from software and digital resources to hardware, gadgets, and devices that purport to improve, revamp, or optimize nearly every facet of event planning and attendee experience, in addition to reducing or eliminating the need for paper.

However, with so many tools available, how can you decide which ones are better left alone and which are worth spending time and money on? We’ll be dissecting the newest technological advancements in event planning in this post so you can tell what’s amazing, what’s strange, and what works!

What alterations has technology made to the event industry?

Can you imagine organizing and managing an event without internet channels for promotion, a website for attendees to register through, or event management software to handle seating arrangements, save data, and handle other details?

In order to register, a prospective customer would have to give a call, the person answering the phone would have to meticulously record the information, and payment would be made with cash or check. Attendees would just need to show up on the day, attend the sessions, and perhaps engage in some networking; there would be no email reminders, calendar notifications, pre-event, or social media hoopla. Furthermore, the “post-event analysis” probably consisted mostly of the attendance and registration totals.

Easier days, but not always simpler times. Artificial intelligence (AI), social and digital media, event planning and management technology, and their widespread adoption have totally transformed the event sector, enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and the overall experience for both organizers and attendees. While those who are reluctant to adapt risk falling behind, leaders in this field are constantly coming up with new methods to innovate and amaze their audiences.

Read more at: https://www.eventsair.com/blog/tech-innovations-that-make-event-planning-a-breeze

Read similar stories at: https://eventtechnology.org/category/technology-news/hologram-news/

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