Hear From Professionals in AI, Sustainability, and Event Data About The Future of Events

We recently held a webinar titled “Back to the future: The status of 2024 event industry trends” with four knowledgeable event professionals to enable you, the event professionals, have a better understanding of what the future holds for the events industry.

This webinar looked at both current trends and tendencies that were detected in our December 2023 webcast, revealing how things are developing based on forecasts made six months prior. We also included some important observations about the trends that Gartner® noted in its first Magic QuadrantTM for Event Technology Platforms.

Discover some of the trends in the event industry that our celebrity panel discussed by reading on, and get a link to the webinar that you can view whenever you’d like.

Conscious Conferencing’s Ascent

When choosing where to spend money and travel for events, diversity, equality, and inclusion (DE&I) and sustainability are cited as the top concerns by 26.8% of attendees, according to Bizzabo’s The State of In-Person B2B Conferences survey.

In spite of this, less than 10% of event planners give sustainability and DE&I projects top priority. A sacrifice must be made.

Gotsis stated, “I really believe that attendees should hold organizers accountable.” “They ought to demand more knowledge and focus from organizers on those subjects.”

Gotsis personally wants to see more event planners adopt the concept of mindful conferencing and make every effort to make events more environmentally friendly.

“Food waste is one of my biggest initiatives, and I wish people would pay more attention to it,” he continued. “There is just so much waste that occurs as event professionals. I wish the code for that one could be cracked.

Read more at: https://www.bizzabo.com/blog/event-industry-trends-2024-webinar

Read similar stories at: https://eventtechnology.org/category/technology-news/artificial-intelligence/

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