Managing Locations and Events in the AI Age

There are increasing demands on the venue and event management sector from both internal and external sources. Many venues still face internal challenges in attracting and keeping event management experts. From the outside, visitors anticipate more, such as more individualized treatment and greater options for customization of their events.

Consequently, in order to stay relevant and take full advantage of future income potential, industry participants need to quicken their pace of technological advancement.

In the last several years, venue and event management has seen a radical transformation thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). By 2025, AI will control 95% of all customer interactions, predicts AI Business. This technology has the power to completely change how events are organized, carried out, and run to satisfy the always changing needs of the attendees.

But what are the specific benefits AI will bring to the field of event and venue management, and what are the obstacles to its adoption? Here, we examine the growing trend of artificial intelligence (AI), its implications for the sector, and what this implies for venue and event management in the future.

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