How to use LED walls to create immersive, interesting experiences

More than 70% of conference and event planners think networking and participation will be key components of events in the future. How to do that presents a hurdle. One of the most adaptable technological options for giving your programs a fresh lease on life is LED walls. LED walls may improve meetings and events indoors or outdoors in a variety of ways, from creating immersive surroundings to turning lectures into interactive activities.

Let’s look at a few scenarios and uses for LED walls that can help achieve the objectives of events by encouraging networking and raising attendance.

How can spaces become more immersive and engaging using LED walls?

According to Encore Product Manager Damein Futch, “interacting with people is the main reason we attend meetings.”

“You’re using the billboard principle in the dining room, so I learn instead of you telling me the Top 10 things I should remember.”

Additionally, you may alter the atmosphere without altering the area thanks to LED walls. Futch says, “There’s an infinite palette of opportunities.” For instance, the morning session might feature a beach scene, whereas the general session might feature a sunset over a mountaintop.

“In a breakout room, you can even cover a window with a transparent LED.” This allows people to be transported to other locations, planets, and emotional states without having to get up from their seats.

“You can use an LED wall anytime you want an interactive display behind something you want to sell or promote,” advises Futch. “There is no need to be concerned about individuals passing through the projection cone.” LED panels have eye-catching images that can be used to make them appear like products you can change into anything you choose.

You’ve probably seen LED walls utilized as a background layer for augmented reality (AR) activations or to display what users are seeing through virtual reality (VR) headsets. However, are you familiar with extended reality (XR)?

According to Futch, “an extended reality system uses a camera in conjunction with an LED wall and media server to create realistic background movement that gives viewers the impression that they are in a different location.” It’s a method for building immersive 360-degree sets for TV and movies. However, events can also make use of this technology.

According to Futch, the usage of LED walls in professional meetings and events is only constrained by their imagination, resources, and availability. “Compared to other media, LED has an enormously higher return on investment. Because it does more and allows you to do more with it, it costs more.

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